Saturday, October 11, 2008

Do What You Love.......

Have you ever heard the saying "Do What You Love......And Never Work A Day In Your Life" Or "Do What You Love .......And The Money Will Follow"? I think my Mom gave me a book with one of those titles. At the time I thought that it was a nice sentiment but I didn't really think it had a literal meaning. I feel differently now. Don't get me wrong, I am not racking in the big bucks here (yet) but doing what I love and what come natural to me does not feel like work. I hope that people find my blog and read it. I hope that I can be a source of inspiration for other woman (and men). And I hope that OM Home is successful and that it can be a spring board for other businesses. I have a few talents lined up that I will share with you very shortly. Stay tuned. ........

(Oh..and, I just want to put this out there. Blogging, is like talking to yourself. I guess that is no big secret but having never blogged before I am just now getting that. Try it. It's pretty cool.)