Monday, November 30, 2009

Price Is Key

I think that Jennifer Allan's article "If Price Is All That Matters, What Do You Need Us For" on RealtyTimes is interesting.

She writes that most agents are found of the notion that "price conquers all" and that if you price a listing low enough it will sell reguardless of any challenges it may present. As a top selling broker I am surprised that she would use a blanket statement like that to describe her peers in the industry, however, to some degree I guess I agree with her.

Her point in the article is that real estate agents do far more than just help to determine price. If fact, Sellers determine price. Real estate agents simply provide information and make recommendations. I certainly can not tell you what to sell your house for. It is your house. With that being said, I will go one step further and add additional emphasis on price.

Price is important because gone are the days of speculative prices, elevated home values, unbelievable mortgage loans, and the "frenzy". You remember the "frenzy". A new house would enter the market and the buyers would swarm the listing like gold fish at feeding time. It was a true frenzy. There was another type of frenzy during those days too.

Not so much anymore. Today, buyers are super educated (thanks to the Internet)and most know as much as I do about the comparable prices in a particular neighborhood or area. Sellers who try and elevate their price without reason are not fooling anyone - least of all the buyer.

When you prepare to sell your house please remember one thing. YOUR HOUSE IS ONLY WORTH WHAT SOMEONE IS WILLING TO PAY FOR IT. And the best way to prepare to sell your house for what someone is willing to pay for it is to "be your own buyer". What do I mean by that? Well, consider the current market, your homes pluses and minues as compared to others in the area and then honestly ask yourself "what would I pay for this house today?"