Monday, November 23, 2009

Why NOW is the best time to list

Thinking of selling your home? As the holidays approach most sellers think that it is best to wait until AFTER the holidays. I tend to disagree. I think getting a jump on the "spring" market (DC's spring market starts in February)can be a very fruitful strategy. Here are a few things to consider if you are thinking of selling your home within the next 6 months.

There are definitely motivated buyers in the DC Metro area. Some are under the gun to buy for tax reasons.

During the holiday season many sellers take their homes OFF the market leaving less to chose from. Less supply = less competition. Less competion can mean more money in your pocket.

Many people have time off during the holidays, which increases their availability to see homes. Buyers that buy during the holiday season tend to be very serious buyers.

The holidays remind people of family. The home is the foundation of the family and therefore many people become motivated during the holidays. I had a client call me just before Christmas dinner and say "if I survive 28 people for dinner it will be a miracle." She survived and we found her new home 1 week later.

The extenstion of the Home Buyer Tax Credit. Need I say more?

Again, many sellers chose to wait until after the first of year creating a lot of new inventory. The longer your wait; the more competition you create for yourself.

Selling now can give you more buying power later. By selling your home now, you can buy after January when the "spring" market's new listings hit as a non-contingent buyer. This gives you great negotiating power.

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