Wednesday, October 8, 2008

No, I am not paying them to say these things! Thanks Mo!

"I truly cannot say enough about Nicole’s efforts to help me get organized.
My desk area was piled high with papers, pens, pads of paper, coat hangers
(yes), and various other things that do not belong on a work desk. I looked at
the piles of papers for days, weeks and months thinking, “What am I going to do?
When am I going to have time to tackle that mess?”

What is so amazing
about Nicole is that she immediately had a plan. She discussed the plan with me
and then just got going. In the end, every drawer, cabinet and filing cabinet
was simplified and streamlined – I could see and find everything!

she came over a second time and started working on my basement, I was amazed
when, a few hours later, it was completely organized and re-arranged to function
more usefully. And, she even got my oldest son to help!

Nicole, you are
INCREDIBLE! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have saved me many sleepless

-Maureen Heim, Kensington