Sunday, October 19, 2008


My friend Melissa suggested that I incorporate a Q&A on my blog and was kind enough to ask the first question:

"How do you manage all the papers and to do's that come home with the kids from school? I have a pile of papers requesting a response or an action on various dates/weeks. The school is constantly requesting donations due on certain dates, collecting box tops, homework assignments not due for weeks, forms for buying t-shirts, cookbooks, wrapping paper, popcorn, and the kitchen sink! I get forms for field trips, reminders of websites to visit, reminders to wear a crazy hat on tuesday, volunteer oppotunities, etc. etc.. I can't keep up with it all and the pile is growing and I am losing track of what I need to do and when! Please give me some tips for controlling my chaos!"

Thank you for the question, Melissa. Unfortunately, because I am not standing in your home, I can not give you specific ideas suited to your specific needs but I can give you my initial thoughts. I hope they help.

#1 you need to have a COMMAND CENTRAL. I have found that the home office is not a good place for command central. It needs to be in the kitchen or in the hallway very near the kitchen. (But preferrably in the kitchen). Some good spots are on the back of the pantry door or inside cabinets (on the doors) above a counter area IF the doors are big enough. You need to be thinking BIG.

#2 A DRY ERASE CALENDAR is a MUST. You will need to determin how big it should be based on how much information you will need to keep track of it (keep in mind, as Nick gets older you will have to keep track of two kids on the same calendar). There are so many options. I like the super huge ones that are soft and roll up. This calendar can be quickly stashed when you have guests.

#3, for the papers that come in and go out you need a system (folders work) labled TODAY, TOMORROW, NEXT WEEK for instance. I found some great folders by Staples. I picked them up at the grocery store but you can get them at Staples too. Here they are:

Tying it all together: If you opt for a large MAGNETIC dry erase calendar you can hang cool magnetic wire baskets (Container Store has good ones) on the calendar and you can collect things like pens, stamps, note paper and the box tops in the containers. Also, if you get the super strong magnets (Container Store) you can hang the folders on the calendar too. If you go with the soft roll up kind of calendar you can either buy a magnetic strip or two (Container Store) and hang the folders from it as well as the little baskets. If you aren't into magnetic velcro is anothe good option.

I am sure you have drooled over the "systems" from Pottery Barn. Who wouldn't? They are so attractive but expensive. My budget doesn't like expensive and truthfully, thanks to the Real Simple line, The Container Store and Target you can accomplish essentially the same thing for less.

Let me know if you would like some help building a system. If you have a system but it isn't quite working and you just need a new perspective - I am good for that too!

My motto - keep it simple!

Good Luck!!!!