Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Getting Ready To Throw A Party? Well, then, its project time!

Seriously? You would think that I would learn. Although, there is nothing like a deadline to get the wheels in motion. I started a major kitchen project before the end of school last year and I have been trying to finish it ever since. I had the right idea, starting when the kids were in school, but then when the summer hit the project stopped dead. We have been living with a half done kitchen. Fortunately, I am not doing any remodeling. Nothing structural and no new appliances or counter tops so the kitchen is usable - its just looked really strange for a long time. I don't necessary love to paint but I can and I do but the mood has to strike me. On Sunday it struck. I worked with this wonderful color consultant at Strosniders in Bethesda. Her name is Patricia and thank goodness for her! I knew what I wanted but she confirmed that I was making a good choice and went even further by laying out chips of the other colors in the surrounding rooms showing me the over all look would be. GENIUS! I will post a before and after picture when I am all done. Just know this - Lots of Paint! I have painted everything but the fridge and the stove. :-) Anyway, so Monday afternoon (after I returned from an OM Home job) I started and today I continued. I completed the first coat of paint on all the walls, touched up the cabinets, painted an appliance (what? they did it on Trading Spaces!) and got everything cleaned up by the time I had to get the kids. OH, and most exciting part - I started ANOTHER project. Now, this is where I even scare myself. Here I am rushing to finish the kitchen before I host Christmas Day dinner here and while I am working on finishing the project I begin another. HUH? Why am I doing this? I am just asking for my husband to shake his head and say "can't you just leave well enough alone?". Guess not. But, here's the thing - it isn't "well enough". Give me a can of paint and I can make anything better!!! I think I need to add this to my website.

I will give you a little hint on the new project. It is by the front door and we keep coats etc in it. I saw a picture in a magazine. A DIYer did something similar with this same space and I was inspired to follow her lead.


speaking of which....at the hardware store on Sunday my husband saw some friends as he was heading to the check out. he was carrying the basket with the paint etc in it. his friends something like "doing some painting" to which my husband replied "no, my wife is". "YOUR WIFE? " they replied.

GIRL POWER! Want something done. Just Do It!