Tuesday, December 2, 2008

It's Not Easy Being Green.......

Eco this and Eco that. Recycle here and Recycle there. I'm guilty. I have the big tubs from Ikea that stack - one for paper, one for plastic, one for glass. We do our best to reduce our carbon footprint but then I still drink bottled water and get a Starbucks cup every time. But, this holiday I have found another way that I can make a little difference. I am NOT going to buy another roll of wrapping paper. I am going to wrap my gifts in newspaper. Yes, you heard me. The Washington Post to be exact. We get the paper everyday so there will be plenty to spare. Every year I buy wrapping paper for it just to end up in the trash. Sure, "paper" is recycled but only if someone puts fourth the effort. The way I figure it, by using the newspaper I am getting another use out of it BEFORE it hits the can. I am going to splurge on fancy ribbon so it will still look festive (and the ribbon is more likely to be reused).

Happy Wrapping!