Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Here is an email that I received via my website. I have an appointment to see her at the end of the month. I love her humor and can appreciate her plight. I know that I can help her and that just reinforces for me that I am on the right path.

Dear Nicole:

I'm a working mom with two little girls. My house was built back in 1910 when they didn't have that many clothes. There was a closet organizer previously
installed when we moved in but it's not working for me. My husband has been
forced to use my daughter's closet to hang his clothes (she's so young that her
clothes can fit in an armoire). My husband is very vocal about his annoyance
of my clothes being everywhere. It was ordered chaos until one day he couldn't find the remote. He just threw my stuff around the room until he found it. So my controlled chaos has become utter chaos. I'm completely overwhelmed so I would like to take advantage of your special offer so that I can bring the calm back into our bedroom. Plus, it's kind of disingenuous to tell the girls to clean their room when mommy's room is so out of control.

I'd really like for my husband to be able to get dressed in his own room. Here are some of the ways I've attempted to remedy the situation: I've gone through several clothing racks in addition to the closet but they keep breaking from the weight of too many clothes. Despite putting a bunch of the pre-birth clothing into boxes, some
of which I've given away and some which are still waiting to go to goodwill,
it's still too much to put in the closet. I've thought about knocking out the
wall between my closet and my daughter's to make a bigger closet. I've
thought about cleaning out the attic and making it a walk in closet. I even went to IKEA for solutions but I didn't feel like I knew what I was doing. I guess I'm looking for someone experienced to tell me what to do.