Sunday, January 18, 2009

Trade Name Issue - HELP! Your opinion is appreciated!!!!

Hello - to anyone reading my blog out there, I need your help! When you start a business one of the first things you need to do is register your trade name. Well, I didn't realize this until I met with my accountant this past week. I copyrighted my name and logo but I did not register the name and logo with the State of Maryland. When she mentioned this I had a moment of panic but then stopped and realized who else would have a business called OM Home in Maryland? What are the chances? Well, evidently the chances are very good because a woman in Baltimore has the name registered - OM Home LLC. This is not good.

I filled out the application, wrote a check for $25 and I am crossing my fingers. If her business and my business are not alike I believe I can register the name too. I have tried to contact her, just in case, to see if I can buy the rights but I haven't had any luck getting in touch with her nor can I find a business anywhere in Maryland with the name except MINE! But, the fact is that she has an actively registered trade name. I am not sure if you have to actually have a business to own a name. Probably not. You can own a url without a website, right? UGH!

So, here is what I need from you. My people. My community. My fans. :-)

Would it be earth shattering if I changed the name of my business to HOME Om?