Monday, March 23, 2009

The 1st Annual Community Shred Was A Success!

In just 4 short hours we shredded 2.5 TONS of paper AND we had FUN doing it!

Jim Knight from Secured Shred was so great to work with. We shared business ideas during the down time. We never had a line (as I feared we would) but rather a nice steady stream of people. My husband and my kids helped and for the kids it was the thrill of the day!

I felt good when the day was done. By shredding and recycling 2.5 TONS we had saved approximately 34 mature trees. Jim was going to take the paper to a recycling plant that processes it to be made into recycled tissue paper and paper towels. Have you ever purchased a pack of recycled tissue paper? It is EXPENSIVE. It is definintely not affordable enough for everyone to use, but, in 4 hours we generated 2.5 TONS of shredded paper and it was a piece of cake.
My point is stop using your personal shredder at home unless you are RECYCLING the paper. If you are just throwing it in the trash you are wasting a very valuable opportunity. It doesn't take any longer to toss it in a bag/bin to be recycled than it does to toss it with your regular trash. AND, even more to the point - save those sensative documents and look for FREE events like this one. When we all come together we can generate TONS and TONS of recyclable paper in minutes. Think of how we could drive the price of RECYCLED tissue paper products down. Just think of it....... I was energized by this thought and you better believe that this is my new charge!
If you have a home business and generate a lot of sensative documents that need to be shredded, call Secured Shred today! You can have, in your home office, a 35" H, 17" D, 19" W locked and secure box for your shredding. Secured Shred will pick it up at your location when it is full for just $50.00/pick up. There is no monthly fee to rent the box. They only charge for the pick up. That's $1.66/day if you have them come once a month and just $.55/day if you have them come once a quarter.
If you run a larger office and are looking for a shredding resource call Secured Shred for a proposal.
They are GREAT to work with.
--that's my green piece for the day