Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Organizing Addiction

Ok, I have decided to take this blog in a new direction, after all, a blog is a place where one can share their thoughts, feelings, opinions and you know, keep it real. Oh I have a whole lot of REAL that I can share.

Hi, my name is Nicole and I am an organize-aholic. I feel better all ready.

Seriously. I think that the best and most mature thing we can do for ourselves is to be HONEST. I am a very honest person with everyone but myself. I really didn't want to admit that my need to organize was anything more than my desire to "make a nice home for my family". But it is more - way more. Just the other day my Dad called to see what was up "What ya doin'" he said and "torturing myself" was my response. I was rearranging the living room furniture AGAIN! It is a compulsion. To the point where I almost wish I could stop sometimes. it is tiring to move furniture. It is nerve racking to find yourself half-way through a project and all of sudden think you may have made a mistake and might have to put everything back in its former place. ACK!

I know that I have a talent for organizing. That I have a talent for walking into a room and quickly knowing what would make the room flow better or function more efficiently and I have made a little business for myself around this talent but there is a darker side to this talent. A much darker side. One that I sometimes can't control.

So again,

Hi, my name is Nicole and I am an organize-aholic.