Monday, September 29, 2008

I can't control what is going on so I'll move the furniture!

I was talking with my Mom this morning about the economic situation that America is facing. "It is a time to tuck in" she said referring to not spending money if you don't have to and just, basically, waiting this out. This is a scary time for so many. People have lost jobs and homes and those who haven't are worried. I'm worried. When I get worried or stressed or feel like I don't have control over what is going on, I rearrange or organize something. Seriously, I know that it sounds strange but I do. I might rearrange the furniture in my living room or I might grab some left over paint from the storage closet and paint the walls a different color. I might organize my linen closet or my children's rooms. When I am nervous and need to point my energy towards something, organizing always perks me up and keeps me productive.

Rearranging the furniture in a room can have such an enormous impact on how you feel in that room. Try it.